Accessibility Statement

Luke McKnight and Briana Fraser

Accessibility Features of this Resource

The web version of this Pressbook is designed to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, level AA. To create an accessible resource, authors incorporated the following:

  • Minimum 12 point body text.
  • Pages are built with a consistent heading structure.
  • All content has appropriate colour contrast (apart from two instances of poor contrast intentionally included as examples of what not to do).
  • Information is not conveyed by colour alone.
  • Content in web and EPUB export can be zoomed to 200% with no need for horizontal scrolling.
  • All videos with audio are captioned.
  • All images include alternative text or are marked decorative.
  • Tables are properly formatted.
  • All link text is descriptive (apart from examples of what not to do).
  • Links do not open in a new window or tab, except where indicated.
  • All embedded H5Ps are verified accessible by the author.
  • Math content is accessible and presented as either:
    • LaTeX or MathML rendered by MathJax.
    • Images with complete, descriptive alt text.

Additional Formats

On the title page of this book open the Download this book menu and choose your preferred format.

Generally, HTML will be the most accessible format. However, users can download this resource in PDF, EPUB, and others. There is a possibility formatting will not sync perfectly between all formats.

Known Issues

The authors have made a dedicated effort to ensure the accessibility and usability of this resource. Any outstanding issues identified are documented below.

Table of known accessibility issues
Location of issue Issue description Timeline for improvement
No current issue No current issue No current issue

Contact Information

If you encounter an accessibility barrier or have any other questions or comments, contact

Please include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Location of the issue, including the web address and/or page title.
  • A description of the issue.
  • The computer or device, software, browser, and other technology you are using.
    • e.g., iOS, Safari, VoiceOver

A thorough description will assist us in addressing any issues and improving the accessibility and usability of this resource.

This statement was last updated on March 11, 2024


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Accessibility Statement Copyright © 2024 by Luke McKnight and Briana Fraser is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.