3 Pre-Abortion Evaluation

Complete the corresponding TEACH[1] chapter and TEACH CME Post Test at the end of the chapter to self-evaluate your learning. Then, review the supplementary content including readings, videos, and resources provided.

TEACH Chapter 3


required Supplementary Resources

  • Methods for Estimating the Due Date: Committee Opinion Number 700. (2017). Obstetrics & Gynecology, 129(5), e150–e154. https://doi.org/10.1097/aog.0000000000002046
    • Please review Table 1 in detail
  • Ultrasound Course from either NAF (preferred) or UW (alternative)

Ultrasound Course – National Abortion Federation

Ultrasounds. (2023). National Abortion Federation. Retrieved June 11, 2024, from https://education.prochoice.org/#/catalog/17aa6f0c-1004-49cc-90e1-0e73281bd7fa

Membership is required to access the Learning Lab. Log-in at NAF’s Members-Only Site. Select the tab for the Learning Lab → Online Learning → Abortion Trainings → Ultrasound Folder

Required Videos:

  • Ultrasound 1: Introduction to Ultrasound
  • Ultrasound 2: Anatomy and Planes
  • Ultrasound 3: Early Pregnancy Landmarks & Dating
  • Ultrasound 4: Systematic Scan
  • Pregnancy of Uncertain Location

Complete the post-test to claim up to 1 Category 1 CME for each module. Feel free to complete additional modules but note they are not required.

If you do not have NAF membership, please complete the UW Ultrasound Course videos listed below as an alternative. You do not need to complete the UW Ultrasound Course videos if you are able to access the NAF ultrasound videos.

Ultrasounds – University of Washington Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Ultrasound Course. (n.d.). University of Washington Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Retrieved June 11, 2024, from https://obgyn.uw.edu/education/ultrasound/videos

Required Videos:

  • Video 2: How Ultrasound Works
  • Video 3: Tomography
  • Video 8: 1st Trimester Anatomy
  • Video 9: 1st Trimester Dating
  • Video 13: 1st Trimester Pain and Bleeding
  • Video 14: Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Video 15: Multiple Gestation Pregnancy

Feel free to complete additional videos but note they are not required.

Additional suggested reading: 

  1. Goodman S, Flaxman G, and the TEACH Trainers Collaborative Working Group. (2022). TEACH Early Abortion Training Workbook, Seventh Edition. UCSF Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health. https://pressbooks.pub/workbook/
